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Kawasaki ZRX1200R Fan Fix or Troubleshoot

June 30, 2019

Noticed that my fan wasn’t coming on and did some troubleshooting and posted this vid on YouTube.

Traced the fan problem on my 2005 Kawasaki ZRX1200R back to the coolant temperature sensor (fan switch) mounted on the radiator. Fuse was good. Wiring was good. Short the connection by bypassing the sensor to check the fan. ***KEEP YOUR FINGERS CLEAR OF THE FAN. You won’t get a shock. Use a paper clip or in my case a set of tweezers.

Coming back.

February 23, 2017

It is with great difficulty we’ve come to the decision to close Converge Church. More will be posted here later, but I will be transferring all my posts that I feel are relevant and helpful from the church website to this blog. And I will write here form time to time as well. I’m currently working on 3 book ideas…no idea if I’ll ever get to them or finish them, but if I do, it’ll be developed here first.

All that to say, I’ll be coming back to this blog…soon.

Thanks for tuning in.


Closing Converge

February 12, 2017

This post was originally posted on and has been archived here.

[This was announced at our Sunday Gathering February 12, 2017 to the Converge Church Family.]

After 6-1/2 years of being a Gospel presence in Campbell River, through lots of prayer and many conversations, I have had to make the very hard decision to close Converge Church.

There are a number of things that have led me to this decision…

When God laid it on our hearts to start Converge, we never thought the day would come that we would also shut it down. But as time went on and I grew in my understanding of cycles of organizational growth, where there is birth, growth, maturity, decline, and eventually closure…I began to wonder if God would have us close our doors one day.

Personally, I have bore most of Converge’s oversight, operation, guidance and leadership on my shoulders for nearly 7 years and I simply cannot bear the load any longer.

This is not to say we don’t have or haven’t had any help with the church over the years. To be sure, we have men and women here today who have helped to shoulder the load for a long time.

Early on our plan was to appoint elders and deacons to share the load with me, and as we grew, a number of people went through a discipleship and leadership class that I taught on principles of church planting, core biblical doctrines, and gave practical tools for personal and corporate discipleship.

By God’s grace we began to see lots of numerical and spiritual growth seeing many baptisms and new life where God was calling people to himself. The vine of the church was growing and a vine needs structure to assist it in its growth, so 2 years ago, when it came time to further establish Converge bringing some structure to assist in the growth of the vine, God had other plans. We were looking at appointing at least 3 elders and a number of deacons as well as begin the process of establishing membership. However, God’s plans allowed our numbers to dwindle and a ripple effect began.

During that time we had an Immerse apprentice student pastor that Converge had committed to support financially as he pursued pastoral ministry, but now we were going to have to decrease his salary significantly. I also would have to take work outside of the church taking me away from many days to work on the church, in order to make ends meet for my own family effectually taking me away from much of the work needed from a founding pastor of a church plant. Others left, following their friends, and we continued to lose many of our people.

We also lovingly sent our apprentice pastor to another church knowing that it would be best for him and his family, but this left us with minimal help to continue running Converge while I was bi-vocational.

Its been more than a year since then and we’ve seen growth and decline and growth again. We’ve been slowly growing here and there and it has been all glory to God. The best thing about it is that God is worshipped among us, Jesus is made much of and the Gospel is proclaimed every single week.

Converge is a story of faithfulness. God’s faithfulness. In our almost 7 years, we’ve been privileged to witness 20 people submit their lives to the Lord through baptism. All of whom were either baptized in the frigid waters of Discovery Passage or McIvor Lake.

Through all of the ups and downs, God has provided for Keely and I not only with various kinds of work to make ends meet financially, but with prayer and emotional support to keep us and Converge going. But I am growing weary. And I have come to a place where I need to do what is best for myself, what is best for my wife and children and what is best for the people who call Converge “family.”

Today’s message from Zechariah 4 proves that God’s Spirit has been and will continue to be at work through the lives that he’s impacted through Converge Church. The work God began in your life will not end simply because Converge closes her doors. No. I am convinced that in the midst of this closure, there will be immeasurable spiritual growth as a result in your lives and mine and we cannot comprehend all that God can and will do in and through us all.

One of my biggest desires in all of this is that you all would find a place to gather with another church family. Keely and I will eventually settle in somewhere, but have not yet decided where that will be. We will be taking a break from leadership in the church for some time to just be a family. I need to take care of myself, my wife and my children. We will, however continue our relationships with each one of you. I will never stop caring for you as a part of our church family. Just because our church closes, doesn’t mean that our church family ceases to exist. Something has begun here that will last forever.

But it is now time to move on to offer our gifts to other expressions of the church in Campbell River to see the planting of the gospel in people’s hearts and lives no matter where are.

Undoubtedly, there are are many things that I have to learn from this and I really don’t know all that I need to do in this process as we look at closing the doors of Converge, but I want to finish well, and I want you to lean on Jesus Christ, and I want to see our God glorified in all of it.

So this week we will have a meeting in our home. The meeting is for our church family to ask questions and to provide a space to grieve and talk through all the things that you want to talk about as we close our doors.

Next Sunday, February 19th, 2017 will be our last gathering. We will celebrate the life of Converge Church with memories, some pictures and stories. Bring a memory to share with us. And we will also have Potluck, so bring some food to share with us as well.

Grace and peace be multiplied to you.

Your Pastor and brother, Mark Myles.

Looking Forward to Celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (aka: the Season of Lent)

February 10, 2016

This post was originally posted on and has been archived here.

Today has traditionally been known on the Christian Calendar as Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of the season of Lent, which is the 6 weeks leading up to Good Friday. In many ways, Lent is to Easter as Advent is to Christmas. So just as we spent some more focused time looking forward to Christmas during the season of Advent, we want to spend some more focused time now leading up to the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus.

If you were to observe Lent, it doesn’t make you any more of a Christian than not observing it does, and as varied as church history is, that’s how varied the ways of observing it throughout the centuries has been. So what is an evangelically appropriate and gospel-centered way to observe Lent without making it all about a tradition or turning it into legalism? I think the answer is simple—focus on Christ.

We’ve begun a series on 1 Thessalonians and many times throughout this little book, we have been instructed over and over to focus on Christ. If you choose to fast from food or go without a luxury of yours for Lent, great, but the point is not to see how strong we can be against our temptations…the point is not even to give up a bad habit and better ourselves during the next 40 days…the point of anticipating the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the person of Jesus Christ himself!

Let me be clear. Focussing on Christ is a habit all Christians ought to be ninja-awesome at, so why wouldn’t we take the next 40 days and build some good habits into our lives that might become lifelong patterns that keep us focussing on Christ for the rest of our lives?

Here’s some ways we’ll be working together over the next 40 days as we focus on Christ:

  • Tomorrow we will be gathering for our monthly prayer meeting, and again on the 2nd Thursday in March (the 10th).
  • We will be praying and planning together our Easter Sunday gathering coming up this year on March 27. This also just happens to be our monthly potluck Sunday.
  • I personally think this is the best time of year to get baptized and identify with the burial & resurrection of Jesus, so we’re going to plan on having baptisms this time of year…either on Good Friday sometime, or after the potluck on Sunday. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions about baptism.
  • We’ll pause regularly for corporate confession together in our gatherings.
  • We’ll sing songs specifically focusing our thoughts and worship on the cross/resurrection of Christ.
  • We’ll continue to dig into 1 Thessalonians together each week (and the other regular Bible readings) believing that God can do in and among us what he did in and among the church of Thessalonica back in the day as continue to plant, water, pray, repeat.

Anticipating and celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ excites me, lets observe Lent together by focussing on Jesus and praying and working together toward our corporate celebration on the weekend of March 27th.

Pastor Mark Myles

(HT: Randy Lundy & his post on the Downtown Cornerstone Church website, “Lent: Honoring Christ, Reflecting the Gospel, and Deepening Our Worship”)

End of Year Letter from Pastor Mark – 2015

December 30, 2015

This post was originally posted on and has been archived here.


To know Christ and make him known.

“Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart.” – 2 Corinthians 4:1 (ESV)
For Converge Church, 2015 has been a year of difficult changes and unique challenges, but nothing that happened this year came as a surprise to our faithful Lord. He has taken the opportunities afforded by the events of this year for many reasons, but none so clear as this: “But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.” (2 Corinthians 4:7, ESV)
Over the last few months, it has become very clear, not only to Keely and I, but to every person that makes up this small church family, that we absolutely must continue as a unique expression of the church in our mission to know Christ and make him known in this small city that we love.

Plant. Water. Pray. Repeat.

We eagerly anticipate the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the people of Campbell River in 2016. We know many people here have yet to hear of the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3:15), and we intend to plant seeds of the Gospel,water them with love and good deeds, and pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to bring the promised increase. And when we’ve finished that, we will do it again listening to and experiencing the heartbeat of the church on repeat.

Prayer & Support

As we continue to partner with the C2C Network and Fellowship Pacific, we also ask for your prayers and financial support for 2016. Pray that we would steward well all that the Lord has entrusted to us, that our church family would be bold in sharing the good news and in showing love to Campbell River and that we too would persevere in prayer.

Please consider making even a small donation to us right now through our website at or by snail mail to 881 Cortez Rd., Campbell River, BC V9W6J9.

I leave you with a few verses that have been on repeat in many of our hearts reminding us that our hope is not in our circumstances, but in Jesus Christ:
Lamentations 3:21-24 (ESV) – But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”

– Pastor Mark Myles

Are you Encouraged?

April 2, 2015

This post was originally posted on and has been archived here.

“Hey Mark, are you encouraged?”

This is a question I receive regularly…usually from other pastors or people in a similar calling. Its a difficult question to answer for me because I like to be honest most of the time.

And the truth is that I’m not always encouraged. In fact, I’m very discouraged sometimes. Sometimes I’m discouraged to the point of exhaustion and simply wanting to give up all that I’m doing.

I don’t doubt the disciples and many who followed Jesus felt this way right after his triumphal entry into Jerusalem (come this Sunday to hear more about the Triumphal Entry). Think about it. Lazarus had just been raised from the dead, Jesus is fulfilling prophecies, he comes into the city like a king, crowds are worshipping him, waving and putting palm branches on the ground for him, people are getting healed, he cleanses the temple (again), the pharisees are thinking of giving up because even the Greeks are coming from all over the world to hear him and become his disciples too! It looks like Jesus is about to win it all!

Then Jesus does this – “And when he had looked around at everything, as it was already late, he went out to Bethany with the twelve.” – Mark 11:11b (ESV)

Talk about anticlimactic. All this happens, and all he does is look around and walk out? I’m sure the disciples and the crowds were expecting something else (especially if they knew the prophecy from Zechariah 9 that it seemed like was coming true right in their midst). I would have expected more (that’s me being honest). I would have expected Jesus to do more at that moment than just walk out. Like, why didn’t he call down his angels and take the kingdom that’s rightfully his (because he’s God and a son of David) then and there?

And I think this is why I get discouraged sometimes. I get in my mind that God is about to act a certain way, and then he does something completely different than I expect. Its not that I always think he’s making a bad decision with ordering things a certain way, but it definitely presents an opportunity for me to renew my trust in him and causes me to pick up the shield of faith knowing that he knows what’s best.

And this is what I learn. God’s ways may be different, but they are always better than mine and I can trust in him.

After the Triumphal Entry, what Jesus was about to do by going to the cross and dying for the penalty of sin and raising back to life on the third day to defeat the power of sin and death, rids me of discouragement. The discouragement the disciples felt when he died on the cross was wiped far away when he came back to life on the third day.

Jesus did win.

So am I encouraged? Yes! You wanna know why? Not because of my surroundings or because of my situation. I am encouraged because Jesus is on the throne even when to me it might not seem like it. Jesus is on the throne even when I lose sight of it and I begin to think its all about me. Jesus is on the throne and he has done and is doing everything for our good and his glory.

Ephesians 3:20–21 – Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.


This was originally posted in our newsletter from March 27, 2015. Sign up for the newsletter by entering your email address in the right hand sidebar.

Pick up the Shield of Faith

March 20, 2015

This post was originally posted on and has been archived here.

“In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;” ~ Ephesians 6:16

I was very encouraged this week by the prayers of my brothers in the C2C Network. One of the encouragements was from Ephesians 6:16 – not merely that I would take up the shield of faith, but that I wouldn’t (on the flip side) be identified by the flaming darts (which can be my tendency sometimes).

Sometimes when we get discouraged or hurt, or something happens that really feels like a uppercut to our solar plexus, we can wear those things like badges and really own the pain that we’ve experienced. Granted, time must be allowed for grieving the pains, mourning the losses, and experience the hurt to truly get through it all, but when we wallow in it and soak in it rolling around in it as if it were a complete roadblock to everything else in life God has called us to, it is not good.

Jesus knows our deepest pains and sorrows and the gospel says that his death on the cross took our pain, guilt, shame, shortcomings and failures and gives us his new life of the resurrection.

Because Jesus is alive, I can pick up the shield of faith no matter what circumstance I face, no matter how difficult and painful it might be. But rather than carrying the hurt for the rest of my life and letting it get me down, I can trust in Jesus and believe afresh that his work for me on the cross draws me into his perfect rest.

Now, my picking up the shield of faith to extinguish the flaming  darts become an act of worship and an act of faith believing that he will give me strength and he will take my pain and give me the grace by the power of his Holy Spirit to accomplish that which he calls me to do.

Life is an obstacle course. Our various struggles aren’t roadblocks to accomplishing that which God has called us to do, they are merely obstacles. Time to get up on over them.

As we look toward Easter coming up on Sunday, April 5th, consider inviting a friend or two to join us at our gathering and invite them over for lunch afterwards…that’s what we’ll be doing.

Pastor Mark Myles

Jesus is Alive and is Building His Church

March 15, 2015

This post was originally posted on and has been archived here.

“I find there are three stages in every great work of God: first it’s impossible, then its difficult, then it’s done.” – Hudson Taylor

I’d be lying if I said planting a church is all fun. Its not. The harsh reality is that sometimes it kicks me in the gut and says “Give up yet?” By God’s grace alone, those have been the times when I know with even more clarity that God has called me (and many of you reading this) to it.

Hey Converge family, the dream of seeing “Gospel saturation in the everyday life of every life in Campbell River and beyond” may seem ridiculously impossible and the path God has been taking us on to get there has, so far, been difficult, but the great truth about all of it is that it to depends not on our abilities or strength, but on Jesus and he WILL accomplish it.

No matter what happens in our lives that may seem to work against us and against God’s purposes, we believe that God is good and that Jesus is still alive, and he is still building his church.

Benny noted in last week’s newsletter that, “this year has been jam packed with spiritual growth and exciting change,”—he couldn’t have been more right. As Converge embarks on a new chapter of life, join me in clinging to and owning these words of the Apostle Paul as our own from Acts 20:24 (which was in last week reading). “But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”

Things sometimes have to get tough before they get better, but all the way along,“…we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
Family, I am spurred on by the strength, the encouragement and the dedication of so many of you. You have been an amazing blessing to Keely and I over the past few weeks. I have been so blessed to see your devotion to Jesus and his word, your reckless faith and trust in God’s promises. Keep it up. It is obvious that Jesus is alive and he is building his church because I can see it in the work that he is doing in and through you.

The challenges we are facing right now are not uncommon to the history of the church through the ages. God is no stranger to graciously providing all that we need through various means. I’m excited to see the work accomplished by the grace of God and the work of the Jesus Christ and the move of the Holy Spirit.

By the way…make a note in your calendar for April 5th. Its a Sunday! Its Easter! Invite someone to join you with us at 10:30am at the Campbell River Community Centre. Who knows! Somebody might decide to get baptized!

This was originally posted in our newsletter from March 6, 2015. Sign up for the newsletter by entering your email address in the right hand sidebar.

The 2015 Plan

February 6, 2015

This post was originally posted on and has been archived here.

Hey Family and Friends,

I wanted to write a post summarizing what I spoke about at the end of my sermon from Luke 12:13-34 that I preached on February 2nd, 2015 titled Obey Jesus: Guard Against Greed.

You may be aware that Converge was struggling financially last year and wondering where we’re at with all that now. In what was a turning point for our church, I preached my first sermon on giving and stewardship titled “God is Generous” and we began the journey together of seeing our giving as an act of worship.

By God’s grace, through some good godly coaching, prayer, study and a few meetings, we’ve been able to work out a plan for 2015 that will enable us to be more effective at what God is calling us to. Below are 3 big news items that you need to know about.

What the 2015 Plan will accomplish

The plan for 2015 is 100% in the Lord’s hands and by God’s grace, it will help us to accomplish:

  • Increased ability to do ministry in reaching the lost of Campbell River
  • More opportunities for equipping the church for the works of ministry
  • Balanced budget going into 2016
  • It will mean more effective ministry in our STRATEGIES (Gatherings, Communities and Leadership Development)
  • Which means we will be fulfilling our MISSION to make disciples of Jesus.
  • And we will begin to realize our VISION to see “gospel saturation in the everyday life of every life in Campbell River and beyond.”

3 Components

  1. Partnership with the C2C Network & Fellowship Pacific
    • Some of you know one of the FEB Pacific leaders was sitting on our board since the early days, and he has since taken a position as a full-time pastor in a church in Surrey…the C2C Network has stepped in and one of their guys is now sitting on our board providing input and wisdom as we seek to do what God calls us to.
    • Both groups have looked favourably on our budget & plan for 2015 and want to help get there through prayer and financial support and their wisdom.
    • We will be receiving a grant from both C2C and FEB Pacific as a result of their partnership for church planting.
    • Their donation to Converge Church will help us recover from the deficit that we have been experiencing.
    • As a start in the right direction, we will be donating to each of these groups a small amount each month increasing it as is feasible until at the beginning of 2016, we come off of support from them and we begin to return the favour financially with a long term partnership to see churches planted all across Canada.
  2. Benny will be taking the C2C Church Planter Apprenticeship Assessment at the beginning of March.
    • They will give him prescriptions and recommendations that, Lord willing, we will be able to provide the learning environment for him and he will stay with us for an unknown amount of time as well as continue his studies as an Immerse Student.
    • This is all in God’s hands.
  3. Increased giving from you.
    • Finally, we are asking all of you who currently give to Converge as well as those of you who do not give to increase your generosity in 2015.
    • The hope is that at the end of every quarter, we will see an increase of $250/mo.. Not from each person, but from everyone as a whole group. Click on the graph below to see a clear picture.
    • 2015 giving increaseWe realize this is a big “ask,” but believe it is feasible and responsible. For some of you, giving more means  sacrificing, for others, it might not be that difficult at all. But all of us in Converge have been challenged.


Being Rich Toward God

We were challenged in the message from Feb 2 to be “rich toward God.” Being rich toward God means stewarding well all that he’s entrusted us with—time, talents and treasure.

As always, the best way to give to the growth of gospel through Converge is through our website at Please take the time to set up a recurring weekly or monthly donation (you can cancel it at anytime).

Meet Trevor

December 18, 2014

This post was originally posted on and has been archived here.

trevor provost baptism

Meet Trevor Provost. He’s makes a living as a journeyman carpenter, volunteers his time and expertise to our local search and rescue and is a vital part of our Converge Church family. He’s married to Natasha, and together they have a son named Ryder.

There’s more to his story, and we want you to hear about it, so recently I sat down with my friend and just asked him a few questions.

Pastor Mark: So, what exactly do you specialize in with Search & Rescue?

Trevor: I’m a Rope Rescue team leader, Mountain Rescue team leader, and I’m also in charge of all the training with ropes for our SAR group. I’m also on the CDFL team.

(If you don’t know what CDFL is, you should watch this clip. Not a job for the faint of heart, but it looks extremely fun!)

Pastor Mark: So, you got baptized last summer! Tell me the story of how you go to that place of wanting to get baptized.

Trevor: I always sorta thought baptism was like this “look at me, I’m such a good Christian” kinda thing when I was younger, and that repelled me. I didn’t like that idea and didn’t think thats what it was all about. It took me quite a while to come to terms with why I would want to get up in front of a bunch of people because I don’t like being the centre of attention in the first place. But its not about me. That’s the realization that I came to. Its about Jesus, its about being reborn, its a symbol of being reborn and its a thing to celebrate!

Pastor Mark: That’s awesome! So what’s God doing in your life right now?

Trevor: He’s challenging me in many ways in my personal life, particularly with how I serve and how I rest… I had been feeling very overwhelmed with work, with all the volunteer work I was doing as well as with everything I do in my home as a father and a husband. And I said to one of my friends that I remembered a story in the Bible of two sisters: one who was sitting at the feet of Jesus and another who was working in the kitchen. [Mary & Martha in Luke 10:38-42] I hadn’t read that for a long time, but I told my friend that I kinda felt like I was the one in the kitchen working too hard…and not getting to listen to the Word of God as much as I would like to… So I decided that it was time to dig into that story and read all about that. In that story, Jesus basically said to Martha that her heart wasn’t in the right spot. Don’t get me wrong. I love serving. Its part of being a Christian and part of my identity, but I just felt like I needed to study more and remember who I am in Christ. I’m still a work in progress.

Pastor Mark: Yes. As am I.

One of the things we learn as followers of Jesus is that the Christian life is less about being busy doing good things and more about truly knowing our new identity in Christ and resting in that. We get to worship God by doing the good things that he calls us to (Ephesians 2:10), but out of a heart that is motivated by the grace and forgiveness of God, not out of compulsion.

Trevor and Natasha (who also volunteers with SAR and is a certified SAR Dog trainer) were baptized last summer at McIvor Lake near Campbell River, BC. They both serve in hospitality, tow the trailer & set up the gatherings as well as teach in Converge Kids. Their son Ryder is a blessing to our family.

We love you Trevor, Natasha & Ryder!

trevor and natasha provost baptism